OLLI Class Schedule Times

OLLI wants to make access to classes as convenient as possible and reasonable. The purpose of this survey is to seek feedback regarding the current schedule and recent modifications.

With the exception of our Summer Term, the schedule for OLLI classes has traditionally allowed for three 90-minute class periods, Monday through Thursday. In 2009, we made an adjustment to the start and end times of the mid-day slot to allow time for smooth transitions. In 2011, based on suggestions from members in Loudoun, we adjusted the times as well as the class lengths for Loudoun OLLI classes.

We promised that we would monitor this situation to determine if we need to consider further modifications. By completing this survey, you can provide your perspective which will help in making decisions.

The modified schedule in Loudoun is:

First block: 10-00-11:15 a.m. (75 min)
Second block: 12:15-1:30 p.m. (75 min)
Third block: 2:30-3:30 p.m. (60 min)

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* 1. Where did you attend OLLI classes during the Spring 2011 term? (Choose as many as apply; use the Comment field to provide more detail if you wish.)

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* 2. Which site do you consider your "home" site?

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* 3. (For members who attended any classes in Loudoun)
How did you feel about the length of classes in this new schedule?

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* 4. Transition times:

Please rate the effect of the new schedule on your ability to take the courses you wanted.

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* 5. Please let us know your overall opinion of the pros and cons of having the modified schedule in the Loudoun class times.

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* 6. Our goal is to schedule classes to maximize convenience and access for OLLI members. If you have any suggestions related to scheduling OLLI classes at any of our sites, please share them in the space provided.