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Partnership with Ridgecrest Baptist Church and MU Extension

We want to hear your stories about neighboring successes, impacts, and challenging situations. Your input will help us discover success stories that could be shared with the congregation to help shape the impact of the We Are Neighbors Initiative at Ridgecrest this coming year. We especially want to celebrate your success stories! This survey is an easy way to submit a written report. Should you have questions, or need additional details, email David Burton at or call him directly at (417) 848-3442.

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* 1. What do you consider to be an accurate description of your neighborhood?

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* 2. Your contact information.

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* 3. Please share in detail your neighboring story or neighbor contact report.

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* 4. With 10 being best and 1 being worst, rank these statements:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I feel safe in my neighborhood.
My neighborhood is clean.
The people in my neighborhood are friendly.
The people living near me engage in neighborhood activities.
I understand the issues facing our neighborhood.
I watch my neighbors home when they are gone.
If I had a problem with an adjoining neighbor I could talk with them about it.

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* 5. Are you interested in serving as a connector for your block or street? As a connector you make a personal effort to get to know your neighbors, plan some simple neighbor gatherings, and participate with others at Ridgecrest to learn more about improving your neighborhood.

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* 6. Is the We Are Neighbors Initiative (sermons, events, classes and resources) at Ridgecrest causing you to change your views on neighboring?

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* 7. Please explain why you answered the way you did in the previous yes/no question.

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* 8. Do you have any other comments, questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like to share with the We Are Neighbors Initiative team?

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