Thank you for attending the class.

Let's answer a few questions about your thoughts.

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* What is your first name?

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* Last name?

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* How old are you?

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* What's your zip code? (Helps us connect you with local resources and decide which cities for VRL to host in-person events.)

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* Participation:

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* What made you sign up for "Run As You Are: Part 2: THE 90 DAY CHALLENGE"? Speak from your heart.

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* On a scale of 1-5, how serious are you about running in 2018 or 2020 ? (5 being the most serious, 1 being the least serious)

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* What is motivating you to run for office? Please select the top two motivating factors for you.

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* Do you identify with any of the following? Select all that you feel comfortable answering - no pressure!

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* Is there a particular elected office you are interested in running for? In other words, do you already know what position you would like to run for (yes), or are you still figuring it out (no)?