Racine County Adult Enrichment Center Survey

Racine County is seeking feedback and ideas from residents on how to develop an adult enrichment community center with a focus on providing programs and services designed for people ages 55 and older.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey!
Section One: In this section, we’d like to explore the kinds of adult enrichment programs and services that you would likely participate in.
1.Please rank the following program areas by level of your interest:
Not Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Educational Activities such as: Book Club, Learning a Foreign Language, Computer Lab, Caregiver Classes
Entertainment Activities such as: Movies, Live Music, Performers
Recreational Activities such as: Billiards, Euchre, Table Tennis, Pickle Ball, Bridge, Mahjong
Creative Activities such as: Painting, sketching, pottery, wood working, weaving, etc.
Health and Wellness Activities such as: Yoga, Dance, Cooking & Nutrition, Healthy Living classes.
2.Share any comments about the above programming ideas.
3.Are there other programs or services that you’d like to see an Adult Enrichment Center offer to better meet the needs of our 55 and older residents?
4.Would you be interested in volunteering to lead/co-lead a workshop and/or activity at a Racine County Adult Enrichment Center?
Section Two: In this section, we’d like to hear your thoughts about aspects of accessibility to a Racine County Adult Enrichment Center.
5.Would you attend an adult enrichment center that offers programming for residents ages 55 years and older?
6.Would you prefer a central location or multiple locations for an adult enrichment center?
7.Would you need transportation to an adult enrichment center?
8.How far are you willing to travel to an adult enrichment center?
9.What time of the day would you most likely attend programs at an adult enrichment center?
Section Three: In this section, we’re asking questions related to funding the programming at a Racine County Adult Enrichment Center.
10.Would you be willing to pay a monthly membership for an adult enrichment center?
11.Whether or not you are a center member, are you willing to pay an additional fee for classes/workshops/activities? (For example, would you pay a $20 fee for a class to cover materials?)
Section Four: In this section, we are collecting demographic information of those who fill out the survey. This information will be helpful to us in seeking public and private grants.
12.Please indicate your age group:
13.Please indicate your race:
14.Please tell us your zip code:
15.Please provide any additional feedback here that we did not ask about that would be important in the development of a Racine County Adult Enrichment Center.