OK ACNM Affiliate Survey

Survey for CNMs in Oklahoma

This survey, sent to all CNMs in the state, is to guide conversation around how to re-activate the ACNM OK Affiliate. Responses will assist understanding the landscape and current barriers to grow midwifery in all settings. When completed, the anonymous surveys are returned to Ginger Breedlove PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN who will be facilitating the March retreat in Tulsa.

Your responses are valuable, regardless of your ability to volunteer at this time or attend the retreat. Completing the survey should take < 10 minutes. Findings will be discussed at the retreat. Thank you for sharing your voice! 
1.What was the single most valuable action the OK ACNM can do for you?
2.Do you believe you are represented as a Midwife in OK by your Affiliate?
3.Would you be willing to participate on a Committee or serve on the Affiliate Board? If so, what work are you interested in.
4.Should the Affiliate work toward better public and policy-maker understanding of midwifery pathways to practice?
5.Would you value and try to attend short, regularly scheduled, monthly Zoom meetings to improve communication on key activities the Affiliate undertakes?
6.What would help CNMs in OK feel connected, bringing a more cohesive and powerful voice to state stakeholders?
7.What do you perceive are the top two actions to grow midwifery in the state?
8.What has contributed to a general lack of interest in vitalizing the OK Affiliate?
9.What would you be willing to contribute to advance Midwifery in OK?
10.What do you hope to gain by attending the 1 1/2 day retreat in March that will be held in Tulsa? If not attending, please share why.
11.For data gathering purposes only, are you a member of the ACNM OK Affiliate