1. Introduction--Centurion 2014 Holiday Success Index

Dear Prestige Jeweler,

The Centurion's 2014 Holiday Success Index wraps up with this spot-check survey of top fine jewelry stores to gauge total holiday business and trends for 2014. Please take a few minutes to answer this brief survey, because seeing business trends among colleagues is great benefit to top-level fine jewelers nationwide. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete.

Your answers will be kept confidential and survey results will be reported anonymously in the aggregate. We very much appreciate your participation to benefit all better jewelry retailers and Centurion invitees.

Best regards,

Howard Hauben
The Centurion

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* 1. Your store name (this will be kept confidential):

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* 2. How was your total business for the holiday season in 2014, versus holiday 2013?

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* 3. What price point/s sold best for the holiday season 2014? Check as many that apply.

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* 4. How did this differ from 2013?

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* 5. What was your single biggest sale (product and price) for the season?

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* 6. What were your top three best-selling products and/or brands for the season?

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* 7. How would you characterize your 2014 holiday business overall, as compared to previous years? (i.e. business came earlier or later, more online sales, more/less foot traffic, etc.)

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* 8. Which of your marketing efforts do you think was the most effective for bringing traffic and sales this season? (i.e. traditional advertising, digital marketing, Facebook or other social media, special events, etc.)

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* 9. How would you rate your TOTAL YEAR BUSINESS for 2014 vs. 2013?