Providing people with an effective, efficient and friendly community service is important to us. This survey provides you with an opportunity to make any comments that will help us improve our community based programs. The survey is anonymous but we are happy to discuss any concerns you’d like to raise. 

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* 1. Person completing this survey:

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* 2. Facility Name (Optional)

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* 3. Please tell us what area/region you are from:

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* 4. Please rate the following statements about Northern Health Residential In Reach:

  Never Rarely Some of the time Most of the time Always
Northern Health staff treat me with respect and dignity
I have confidence and trust in the Northern Health staff who are caring for me
Northern Health staff follow up and report back when I raise issues with them
I understand the information I am given by the Northern Health staff
I participate in making decisions about the care and services received from the Northern Health Residential In Reach Program
I get the services I need from the Northern Health Residential In Reach Program

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* 5. Overall, how would you rate the care provided by Northern Health Residential In Reach Program?

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* 6. Happy with your care or the service you received from Northern Health Residential In Reach Program? Tell us what we did well:

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* 7. Unhappy with the service you received from Northern Health Residential In Reach Program? Tell us about your concerns:

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* 8. What would have made a difference?

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* 9. Would you like to be contacted by a manager to discuss your feedback? This will not affect the care that you receive.