Registration COGEN Europe event "Decarbonising Industrial Heat: Challenge or Opportunity for European Competitiveness?"
Date and Time: 4 December 2018, from 17.30 to 19.00 (cocktail reception from 19.00 to 20.30) Venue:Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels
Evidence that climate change action needs to be accelerated is mounting. More needs to be done at all levels to limit global temperature rise below 1.5°C as prescribed by the Paris Agreement. The energy sector has a key role to play in driving the decarbonisation of the entire economy.
Heating represents 50% of the energy consumption in Europe, of which 32% is used for industrial processes, mostly in the form of medium and high-grade heat. Energy-intensive industries need affordable, reliable and secure heat supply. As the EU puts forward its long-term greenhouse gas reduction strategy, a comprehensive approach to decarbonise industrial heat cost-effectively is needed to ensure the competitiveness of the European industry in rising global competition.
What solutions are required? How to decarbonise heat cost-effectively and meet the European industry’s energy needs, while boosting competitiveness, sustainable jobs and growth in Europe? What are the barriers to get us there?
Fill in the registration form below to register to COGEN Europe's event "Decarbonising Industrial Heat: Challenge or Opportunity for European Competitiveness?". The event programme can be accessed HERE.