CoC Membership Survey
CoC Membership is open to any organization or individual connected to Fairfax County that is also interested in preventing and ending homelessness in our community. Help us understand more about you by completeing the survey below.
Agency (N/A is not applicable)
Title (N/A if not applicable)
The Office to Prevent and End Homelessness strives to ensure that membership and participation includes a diverse and broad representation of all the necessary voices needed to acomplish the goal of making homelessness rare, brief, and one time. Please help us understand your affliations (Check all that apply):
Affordable Housing Developer
Business Representative
Department of Human Services
Elected Offcial
EMT/Crisis Response Team
Faith Based Organization
Government Entity
Homeless or Formerly Homeless
Hospital or Health Care Provider
Law Enforcement
LGBTQ Advocate
Local Government Staff or Offcials
Local Jail or Department of Corrections
Public Housing Authority
School Administrator or Homeless Liaison
Service Provider - Employment Services
Service Provider - Homeless Services
Service Provider - Legal Aid
Service Provider - LGBTQ
Service Provider - Mental Health Services
Service Provider - Street Outreach
Service Provider - Substance Abuse Services
Service Provider - Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, or Stalking
Service Provider - Veteran
Service Provider - Youth Homelessness
Utility Company
Workforce Development
Youth Advocate
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
0 of 4 answered