Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your organization?

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* 3. Within your organization, which is the predominant contract type? (If you represent a multi-site organization, please mark the contract type for the majority of your communities.)

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* 4. By what percentage did your organization increase or decrease its monthly fees charged to existing residents in 2022? (If no change, enter “0”.  If decrease, please use “-”.)

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* 5. By what percentage does your organization plan to increase or decrease its monthly fees charged to existing residents in 2023? (If no change, enter “0”.  If decrease, please use   “-”.)

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* 6. In the past year, did you have any mid-year increases in monthly fees?

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* 7. In the year ahead, have you kept open the possibility of a mid-year increase in monthly fees?

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* 8. In addition to (or as an alternative to) implementing an annual monthly fee increase, did you charge a one-time assessment or similar fee in the past year?

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* 9. In the year ahead, are you planning to charge a one-time assessment or similar fee in addition to the monthly fee increase (or as an alterative to a monthly fee increase)?

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* 10. In the past year, did you raise fees for incoming residents earlier than the planned fee increase for all residents? (For example, incoming residents pay the increased amount when they move in. The current resident based does not pay the increased amount until the pre-determined date for monthly fee increases. On that date, all residents then are paying the same amount. The disparity is for a few months prior to the effective date for all residents.)

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* 11. What would you say is the primary driver of monthly fee increases in the year ahead?

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* 12. Please share any additional comments you may have regarding Resident Monthly Fees.