Gomez Residents Survey #1

1.How supportive are you of the Gomez Park proposal put forward by HBA?
2.Do you support the proposed piece of WDC land being utilized for community benefit or would you prefer it to stay as it is?
3.Do you support the proposed activities being available at Gomez Park?  (tick below which ones you support)
4.Please tick the things about the proposal that concern you the most:
5.Do any of the proposed activities concern you? If so, why?
6.Do you think having this activity park within the community and within your neighbourhood will increase or decrease the value of your property?
7.In terms of governance of the land, how do you think this should best be managed, and by whom?
8.Would you support the proposal more than you do now if the land was leased for 50+ years to a local community group?
9.Is there anything you think we haven't considered in our proposal that you would like to be considered now?
10.Would you like to be kept in the loop and/or be part of a governing group with the development of this project?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered