Volunteer Application - Generations Conference Committee 2022

Thank you for your applying to volunteer. We really appreciate your interest.

• Once we receive your volunteer application, your details may be added to our volunteer database 
• If your application is deemed suitable for the role, your submission will be passed to the volunteer chair for their final approval
• At any point in your volunteering journey you can ask for your information to be deleted
1.I am happy for my name and email address to be shared with other CFA Society Switzerland volunteers to facilitate volunteer community communications(Required.)
2.I am happy for my name and volunteer group to be visible to the wider membership in CFA Society Switzerland communications to promote and improve the visibility of volunteering activity at CFA Society Switzerland(Required.)
3.Full name(Required.)
5.Current Employer(Required.)
6.Job title(Required.)
7.LinkedIn Profile
8.Tell us about your professional experience.(Required.)
9.Tell us why are you applying for this specific role.(Required.)
10.Tell us what do you expect from your engagement.(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered