The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is working with a consultant to conduct a communications audit in order to better understand how the agency is currently connecting with its various stakeholder groups and to identify opportunities for enhancing communications. Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts and help inform this research effort. 

Question Title

* 1. What 2-3 words would you use to describe DPI.

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your current working relationship with DPI? 

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* 3. What do you believe are the primary roles of DPI? (select up to 3)

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* 4. Which best describes your contact with DPI staff

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* 5. How frequently are you in contact with someone from DPI?

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* 6. What communication methods do you most frequently use when interacting with DPI? (select top 3)

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* 7. When you think about the majority of information you receive from DPI, whether it comes directly to you or it is routed to you through other channels/people, how strongly do the statements below describe your perception of the information?

  Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Not Sure/No Opinion
The material is generally easy to understand and the messages are clear.
I get so much communication (from all sources) that I usually don't have time to look at it. 
I review everything I get as soon as I receive it. 
The information is usually very timely and helps me do my job better.
The information I receive is relevant to me and my job.
If action is requested, it is clear and understandable. 
I usually understand why I'm receiving it and what I need to be doing with it.
The format is clear and easy to read. 
There is too much information to sort through. 
I tend to rely on information I receive from my CESA (or other CESAs).
I tend to rely on information I receive from my professional organizations/associations.

Question Title

* 8. What is your preferred method for receiving information related to the following areas? 

  Weekly E-mails or memos Electronic newsletters with various topics and links Easy to navigate website An opt-in platform for only the information I want/need A district-coordinated platform that sends me what I need
Data collection
Professional development
Advocacy issues

Question Title

* 9. When you think about the communication surrounding the implementation of Academic and Career planning in the state, which of the following statements most accurately describes your experience?

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* 10. As a principal, how would you describe your role in the flow of communication between DPI and your educators?

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* 11. If you could offer one suggestion to improve how DPI communicates with you, what would it be?

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* 12. Thinking about your specific position/role, who or what do you most frequently turn to as a trusted resource for information/guidance/feedback related to your job? (i.e. individuals, groups, websites, journals, publications, books, etc.)

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* 13. What are the biggest challenges you face in your role in public education? (select up to 3)

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* 14. How could DPI assist you in addressing the challenges you identified above?

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* 15. Describe your current role in public education

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* 16. How long have you held your current role?

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* 17. How long have you been in involved in public education?

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* 18. Please describe the school district with which you are professionally associated (check all that apply)