Attestation & Course Evaluation

Question Title

* 1. The OOA designates this activity for 17 AOA Category 1-A credits and will report CME commensurate with the extent of the physician’s participation in this activity. I attest that I have attended the number of hours listed here:

Question Title

* 2. Please type your first and last name here along with the date as your Electronic Signature.  Example:  Jane Doe 3/7/2023.

Question Title

* 3. AOA number, required to file CME. Please type credentials (MD, NP, etc.) if you are not a DO.
(If you are unaware of your AOA #, please contact the AOA to receive it or check your OOA profile).

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your overall perceptions regarding the following aspects of this CME program.

  Poor Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
My overall perceptions of the presentation quality by faculty
The amount of material covered per topic :
The scope or breadth of material covered
The usefulness of the program to me
My overall impression of the program

Question Title

* 5. Please Evaluate the following portions of the program.

  Poor Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent N/A or did not attend
A. "DO" Consider Volunteering Abroad                             
Stan Grogg, DO, FACOP, FAAP
B. Health Equity and SDOH: What's Next? Moving Beyond the Data
Dustin Cupp, DO, MSHD, CPE, FAAFP
C. Common Dermatology Concerns for PCP
Hannah Howard, DO
D. Cardiology Update in Structural, Electrophysiology and Beyond
Mathew Good, DO, FACC
E. Changing the Face of Lung Cancer
Rachael Pattison, DO
F. Imposter Doctors: The Importance of Physician-Led Care
Rebekah Bernard, MD
G. Taking Care of Children in the Age of Legalized Marijuana
Theresa Horton, MD
H. Changing Dynamics: An Update on the Evaluation and Management of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Tyler Ellington, DO
I. Legislative Update
LeRoy E. Young, DO, FAOCOPM dist.
Jami Longacre
J. Proper Prescribing
Layne Subera, DO, FACOFP
Richard Zimmer, CMBI
K. Presentations by ROGME Poster Symposium Finalists
Zach Monahan
Cassie McCoy
Pedro Braga
L. Risk Management: "Social Media Risk"
Shari Moore, RN, BSN
M. Value-Based Models: ACO Review
Jeffrey Galles, DO
N. Fostering Physician Well-Being
Glennda Tiller, DO, M.Ed.
O. Vaccine Hesitant Populations and Communications Strategies for Providers
Mary Gowin, PhD, MPH
P. Death Certification from the Perspective of the Oklahoma OCME
Ross Miller, B.A., MD

Question Title

* 6. On the scale provided, please rate the following:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The program met my expectations and learning needs.
The format was effective.
As a result of participating in this activity, I am confident that I will improve my knowledge, competence, performance, and/or patient outcomes.
I learned skills and concepts that will help me be more effective and strategic in my work.
The program provided me with new ideas and resources.

Question Title

* 7. Was there any Perceived Bias?

  Yes No
The program was free of commercial bias.
Faculty disclosures were made.

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* 8. Based on your participation today, have you identified any barriers when implementing new information or techniques learned?

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* 9. How did you learn about this program? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. Why did you choose to attend this meeting?

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* 11. Suggestions of topics for future programs of value to you:

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* 12. Would you like to be included in the OOA's speakers' bureau?

Question Title

* 13. Would you like?

  Yes No
Information about upcoming OOA CME opportunities?
Information about participating in OOA bureaus, committees, or student mentorship program?
Membership information about OOA?

Question Title

* 14. Do you have any practical suggestions for useful change or improvements we can make?

Question Title

* 15. Please provide the following information so that we can keep you updated on OOA developments and respond to your input