
We want to know your drinking habits, water we mean...and you should too! Drinking water is an essential part of life! Answer the questions below as honestly as possible. 

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* 1. Do you drink your water from your tap? (Never - Always)

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* 2. Do you feel sore, slow, or tired, when you don't drink enough water during the day? (No - Very)

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* 3. How concerned are you about the environment? (Not Concerned - Very Concerned)

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* 4. Do you have an active livestyle? (Not Active - Very Active)

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* 5. Do you drink the recommended amount of water per day? (8 x 8 oz glass) (Never - Always)

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* 6. At home, what is your main source of drinking water?

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* 7. What measures do you take to improve your drinking water?

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* 8. Do you recycle often? (Never - Always)

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* 9. Do you spend much money on drinking water? (Bottled, City, etc.)

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* 10. How much do you spend on drinking water per month? (Bottled, tap, lunch, etc.)