
The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), under a contract to the European Space Agency (ESA), is investigating the impacts of using Copernicus Sentinel data in Europe (see The study also investigates benefits on innovation and entrepreneurship,  with the aim of improving understanding about emerging applications and business models, their technological and market maturity and the obstacles and challenges encountered by entrepreneurs who want to create businesses based on Copernicus Sentinel data.

The results will also feed into the annual survey conducted by EARSC into the state and health of the European EO Services Industry (see which has the objectives to:

-          Characterise the business of the EO services industries in Europe

-          Understand the way in which the industry sector is evolving

-          Identify the key issues that the industry is facing today and over the next few years

-          Assess the impact of Copernicus on the sector.

The current survey is focused on start-ups (defined as legal entities which have been formed in the past 5 years, i.e. in 2015 or later) that make use or intend to make use of Copernicus. We wish to understand how important Copernicus, in particular Sentinel data, has been to the creation of your business in addition to some of the successes and frustrations which you may have experienced.

It should take around 12 minutes to complete

Those which respond and who wish to, may benefit from a free 6-months trial EARSC membership, provided that they have not received this benefit in previous years. All respondents may also benefit in other ways, including potentially being featured as a “success story” within the upcoming report (after follow-up interview).

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Participants’ personal information will never be published without permission. Only aggregated and anonymised information will be publicly released in our report, unless otherwise agreed. Read our full Privacy Policy here.