Question Title

Thank you for your interest in this study looking at the impact of pregnancies and pregnancy related issues on the symptoms of functional neurological disorders (FND). Please read this information sheet before deciding whether to proceed with the survey.
Aim of the Questionnaire
The focus of this project are pregnancies and issues related to pregnancies and how they might impact symptoms of FND. We hope that with this survey we can learn how functional symptoms change during pregnancies. We are hopeful that the results from this research can lead to improvements in FND treatment for some women.
Target group
If you are a woman, aged 18 or above, who has FND, we would be grateful for your input in this study.
What participation involves
Participation in this project is via Survey Monkey. Participation is voluntary, and all data collected will be anonymous. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes. The questionnaire involves questions about your symptoms of FND, your pregnancy/ies, and symptoms or issues related to them that you may or may not have had.
Risks of participation
This questionnaire will ask questions about your symptoms of FND, and personal aspects of health including your pregnancy(s). We will also ask about symptoms or issues related to periods before your pregnancy(s) and around/after giving birth. You should consider whether answering questions about any of these things could be upsetting for you before deciding to complete the survey. It is possible that your review and reflection of your past experiences triggers off negative emotions and leads to worsening mental health.