Rethinking Schizophrenia Survey

The second phase of the Rethinking Schizophrenia project, co-created by the European Brain Council (EBC) and the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), aims to describe the care pathway of people from the first episode of psychosis and schizophrenia to long-term care throughout the mental health system in different European countries with a focus on youth and young adults. We invite all healthcare providers (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, general practitioners, etc.), particularly from the selected countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain and UK), to share their insights on this topic.

It takes approximately 10 minutes to fill in the form.
The responses are anonymous and should primarily reflect the situation in your country, your personal experience and opinion.
Runtime of survey: 13th May – 31st August 2024
Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What is your country of work? Select one answer

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* 2. What is your age? Select one answer

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* 3. What is your gender? Select one answer

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* 4. What is your profession? Select one answer

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* 5. How long is your professional experience (years)? Select one answer

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* 6. How many patients with schizophrenia is in your care (please enter number)

Question Title

* 7. Do you consider the system of care for people with schizophrenia in your country optimal? Select one answer

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion, what are the major problems and deficiencies of the care pathway? Please describe

Question Title

* 9. In your opinion, how strongly is schizophrenia in your country associated with stigma among general public ? Please indicate the scale from 0 (none) to 10 (most severe)

0 (none) 10 (most severe)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 10. Have there been any recent (in the past 5 years) anti-stigma program or campaign? Select one answer

Question Title

* 11. In your opinion, how well are other health care professionals (physicians, GPs, nurses) educated about schizophrenia? Please indicate the scale from 0 (not at all) to 10 (best)

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 12. Which population / professionals should be primary target of education on mental health and anti-stigma programs? Please describe

Question Title

* 13. In your opinion, what is the level of discrimination people with schizophrenia face (at school, work, social life, etc)? Please indicate the scale from 0 (none) to 10 (most severe)

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 14. Are there early detection services for at-risk states for psychosis available? Select one answer

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* 15. In general, are there barriers in access to mental health services? Select one answer

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* 16. If yes, what kind of barriers? Please describe

Question Title

* 17. What is the status of the mental health care reform in your country? Please describe

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* 18. What is the typical contact of a person with first-episode psychosis within your health system? Please describe

Question Title

* 19. Are people with first-episode schizophrenia hospitalized? Select one answer

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* 20. Is treatment initiation decision shared withthe patient and carers/relatives? Select one answer

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* 21. Is family / primary caregiver involved in the treatment plan? Select one answer

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* 22. Is a multidisciplinary care approach (involvement of a psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, social worker) implemented from the beginning of treatment? Select one answer

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* 23. What is the typical duration of hospital stay for first episode? Select one answer

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* 24. What are the major challenges and obstacles during transition from inpatient to outpatient care? Please describe

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* 25. What are the major barriers of full recovery and functioning? Select one or more answers

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* 26. Upon discharge, does the patient have secured continuous treatment and follow-up care? Select one answer

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* 27. Is the outpatient care provided by the same therapeutic team? Select one answer

Question Title

* 28. Is thechoice of the type of outpatient care a decision shared with the patient, and/or their family? Select one answer

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* 29. What is the role of GPs in the long-term outpatient care for people with schizophrenia? Select one answer

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* 30. Arethe community mental health services widely available? Select one answer

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* 31. Are day hospitals for mentally ill widely available? Select one answer

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* 32. Are the social services for mentally ill (e.g. supervised housing, supported jobs) widely available? Select one answer

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* 33. Are there any systems of relapse prevention available? Select one answer

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* 34. Are there programs of cognitive remediation and/or cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis available? Select one answer

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* 35. Are there any self-help groups orpatient organizations available? Select one answer

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* 36. Are there national guidelines for schizophrenia treatment? Select one answer

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* 37. If yes, do the guidelines include recommendations on the management of negative and/or cognitive symptoms? Select one answer

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* 38. Are all new antipsychotics (registered by EMA) available? Select one answer

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* 39. If not, which which antipsychotics are not available? Please list

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* 40. Is drug treatment for schizophrenia covered by insurance / reimbursed? Select one answer

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* 41. Do people with schizophrenia have adequate access to medical care (for physical health)? Select one answer

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* 42. If not, what are the major obstacles? Please describe

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* 43. Are new technologies (VR, AI, telemedicine, wearables, mobile technology, etc.) used for treatment or recovery of people with schizophrenia? Select one answer

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* 44. If yes, please describe how?

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* 45. Do you have a positive story to share (personal experience, individudual, at country level, etc)? Please describe and share website link if possible