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* 1. How are you feeling about your business prospects for the next Financial Year?

Not confident at all Moderate Super confident
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 2. What have been the main challenges for your business in the past 12 months?

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* 3. How can the ED & Tourism Team best support you over the next 12 months?

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* 4. How does this year compare to previous years at the same point in time?

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* 5. Council's ED & Tourism team provide the following free business support and services, please RANK (number or drag & drop) according to the existing or potential value to your business:

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* 6. Council's ED & Tourism team carries out the following promotional activity, please please RANK (number or drag & drop) according to the existing or potential value to your business:

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* 7. Do you believe events are an economic driver for the region?

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* 8. What sort of events do you think work well in the region?

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* 9. Business name

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* 10. What area is your business in?

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* 11. What business market segment are you in

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* 12. How many employees does your business employ?

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* 13. What is the annual turnover of your business?

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* 14. If you wish to be followed up on a specific matter you have raised in the survey, please place your name and best contact details in box below.

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* 15. Any other comments?