Nominating Committee Recommendations

2021-2022 Leadership Recommendations

Please supply the names of up to 3 individuals whom you think would be strong candidates for each of the 2021-22 openings. You may recommend yourself. Recommendations are anonymous.

2021-2022  leadership in place include Laurie Lokar (President), Deb Hamilton (VP Philanthropic), and Karen Jenks (VP Strategic Planning).
1.President Elect: Becomes President the following year. Works with President and observes functioning of chapter boards and operations. Member of Strategic Planning and Finance Committees. One-year Term (Current member in place is Laurie Lokar)
2.VP  Member Development: Supervises and serves a liaison to the board for all membership-related committees. Supervises chairs of these committees. Collects annual dues and conflict of interest forms. Two-year term (Current member in place is Mary Arnold)

3.VP Resource Development: Supervises and serves as liaison to the board for fundraising events, grants, annual mail campaign, and Thrift Shop. Supervises chairs of these functions: One-year Term, finding someone to fill the remainder of Terri Hudoba's term  (Current member in place is Terri Hudoba)
4.VP Marketing/Communications/Technology: Supervises and serves as liaison to the board for all marketing committees. Oversees all press and media releases and promotional activities of chapter. Two-year term (Current member in place is Lisa Harmening)
5.Secretary: Records minutes of board meetings and membership meetings. Signs contracts and updates the chapter calendar. One-year term (Current member in place is Marybeth Rissmann)
6.Treasurer: Chief Financial Officer for chapter. Records chapter financial activity, prepares monthly reports, and files taxes. Supervises Assistant Treasurers and Counting committee. Two-year term (Current member in place is Sheila Bjorklund)
7.Finance Committee At-Large Members: Study the financial requirements of the chapter, develop the annual chapter budget, and review financial and investment policies. Two members at large on committee These are not board positions. One-year term (Current members in place are Barb Croxen and Anne Shea)