Aging Society Survey

I am investigating aging society in Japan. I would like you to help my survey in order to collect various perspectives related to my survey. I also would like to ask you to answer some general question to know how much you know about the aging society in Japan.
Your answers to this survey will be totally anonymous. You will take less than 5 minitues to complete it. Your responses is really helpful.
Shimon Suzuki
Aoyama Gakuin University

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* 1. How Old are you

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* 2. What is your gender

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* 3. What is your nationality?

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* 4. Where are you currently live?

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* 5. Please select an issue in Japan you are the most concerned about

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* 6. How often do you see or hear about the news related to aging society?

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* 7. What do you think the currrent percentage of older(aged over 65) people in Japan?

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* 8. Japan's fertility rate ( the average number of children that are born per woman if all women lived to the end of their child bearing years) in 2023 was only 1.20

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* 9. The number of children born in 2023 is less than half of that in 1970, which means about 7 hundread fifty thousand people was born in 2023.

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* 10. Japan's mortality rate in 2023 was 13.0% which means about 1.59 million of people died in 2023.