Copy of Fitness Goals: One-On-One Fitness Coaching with Chris Coulson Question Title * 1. What's your current level of fitness? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 2. How often do you currently work out? Never Sometimes Weekly Several times a week EVERY DAY! Question Title * 3. Do you have any nutritional or dietary restrictions? Yes No Question Title * 4. If yes, please describe: Question Title * 5. Do you have any health problems that would prevent you from focusing on fitness and health? Question Title * 6. Ever been part of an online fitness coaching program? If yes, please describe... Question Title * 7. I'm putting together an online group coaching program with Chris Coulson. I'm not a fitness expert, but he is. Would you be interested in joining it as a paid beta member? (This program will require a 3 month commitment (but you can keep going if you like, too). Yes No Maybe Question Title * 8. What's the #1 reason why you would want to join this program? Question Title * 9. Let's say you join the program. What would you LOVE to see within 12 weeks? Is there an event coming up? Do you want to reach a certain fitness level? Please be specific. Question Title * 10. Right now we are testing this as a beta, and we are looking for people who are willing to commit 100%. Overall health and wellness is a long-term goal, and we want you to achieve your goals. But we need commitment from you. Are you ready? Yes No Question Title * 11. How can we reach you? Full Name: Best Email Address: Question Title * 12. What are your current stats? Approximate Height: Approximate Weight: Done