Please answer the questions below as honestly - there's a FREE $100 Range card up for grabs.

Our venue is built for you. So, we want your opinion on what's working, what isn't, and how we can better create happiness for all of our customers.

Help us make Collier Park Golf the best it can be!
All entries automatically go in the draw to win a $100 Range Card (only 1x range card is available). Please enter your email at the end to ensure your place in the draw.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been a customer of Collier Park Golf?

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* 2. How often do you use/do the following?

  Daily Weekly Monthly Seasonal Yearly Never
Play Golf
Use the Driving Range
Play Mini Golf
Enjoy food/drinks from the Collier Cafe
Get Golf Lessons
Attend Events
Host Functions
Buy Equipment, Merchandise, or other Retail related items from the pro-shop?

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* 3. Please rate your overall experience with us. (10 being the best, 1 being the worst).

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* 4. How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague? (10 most likely, 1 most unlikely).

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* 5. How would you rate the quality of our current facilities?

  Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Driving Range
Friendliness of staff at the venue
Range of Golf merchandise
Food and drink offering
Mini Golf
Toilets & change rooms
Availability of golf coaching, clinics and lessons
Quality of the course

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* 6. If you'd like to elaborate and suggest ways we can improve, please detail these below:

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* 7. One of our goals is to create happiness for every customer that walks through our doors. On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you when you visit Collier Park?

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* 8. How welcome do you feel when visiting Collier Park?

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* 9. How knowledgeable do you find our staff in the proshop when it comes to golf advice or golf merchandise selection?

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* 10. How knowledgeable is our team when it comes to recommending a drink or meal at the Collier cafe?

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* 11. What is your preferred time to play Golf?

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* 12. How far in advance do you typically book your round of Golf?

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* 13. How far in advance would you prefer booking your round?

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* 14. Have you attended any of our community events this year? (e.g., Screen on the Green, Yoga unWined, Beer/Bubbles & Buckets, Sip & Sculpt etc...)

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* 15. What kind of community events would you attend or like to see? Comment below.

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* 16. Do you have any final comments/suggestions on how we can create a better experience for our customers?

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* 17. Please enter your email (we'll only contact you if you're the winner of our $100 Range Card).