NSG and St Helens Council welcome your views on the proposals to revive the former Watson Street Works glassmaking site as shown in the consultation materials. If you would like to leave feedback on any aspect that you have seen, please answer the questions below and by provide any other comments you would like to make. Your views will help inform the development of the plans.

Question Title

* 1. Do you support our ambition to revive the former Watson Street Works site?

We aim to revive the site by delivering a mix of residential uses and new employment/ manufacturing opportunities on the former glassmaking site.

Question Title

* 2. What do you like about the proposals?

(For example, the improved pedestrian access and connectivity with the town centre; the open spaces and landscaping; layout/design/amount of development; vehicle access?)

Question Title

* 3. What do you dislike or what changes do you think should be made to the proposals?

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any other comments on the proposals?

Thank you for your comments. All feedback will be collated, anonymised, and reviewed by the project team to inform the proposals during the next stages of the project.

Please return the form by post or email using the contact details below by Friday 11th October 2024.

· Email address: info@nexusplanning.co.uk

· Postal address: Nexus Planning, One Express, 1 George Leigh Street, Manchester, M4 5DL