Thanks for accessing our online learning modules

We know that 'evaluations' and feedback forms can be a small annoyance or easily forgotten but really hope you will take the time to complete this one. We see it as an opportunity for you to reflect on the session and reconnect you back to the key ideas. It also gives us insight into and evidence on the relevance, quality and impact of what we offer. Additionally, this information is used to report back to our funding bodies or contributes to us seeking more investment in our projects and organisation, the value of which cannot be underestimated.

It won't take long. Promise.

If you have additional questions, comments or want to share what has happened since the training you can connect with us via .

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* 1. Which online modules have you accessed? Select all that apply:

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* 2. Do you have specific feedback for any of the modules your completed? Please use the text boxes below to enter specific feedback before proceeding to general questions about the platform and content.

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* 3. The Technology and Learning 'Environment' (e.g. Zoom, F2F)

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* 4. Tell us about the technology we used: the accessibility, how we explained it, your comfort and confidence and how connected you felt to the content? Any other comments?

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* 5. The Content

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* 6. Tell us about the content: the bits that stood out, the takeaways, perhaps the gaps? Any other comments?

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* 7. The Impact

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* 8. Tell us about the impact of the training on you and your 'work': what it has you thinking or wanting to do, what you want to hold on to, perhaps the thing you will do to take action (that first small step), the changes you have already made?  Any other comments?

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* 9. The Questions that Remain

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* 10. What questions remain unanswered or have emerged for you ? How you might adapt it to your context?  What do you want to grapple with more?

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* 11. The Future of Us
How likely are you to participate in, or recommend, future masterclasses, workshops or activities and projects that LELAN runs?

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* 12. What other training or supports could LELAN offer to nurture your own development in the area of lived experience or the 'work' that you are doing? Any other comments?

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* 13. Are you interested in joining our e-news list? If yes please add your email address in the box below. 
This is the best way to stay connected to LELAN and the work that we are doing and/or hear about future opportunities for getting involved.

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* 14. Any last reflections or suggestions? Please share here.

Thanks for contributing and being a part of improving our online learning modules.

Please reach out if you have additional questions, suggestions or any involvement opportunities, positions vacant or information you think it would be valuable to share with our community via .