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Lehigh County Waste, Recycling, and Education Survey
Please have your survey responses submitted no later than 4 PM March 21, 2025
Provide your name, if desired.
How satisfied are you with the current waste management services in your area?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the current recyclables management services in your area?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Which of the following areas do you think need improvement in waste management?
Waste collection
Recycling facilities
Education and awareness programs
What are the biggest challenges you face when it comes to recycling at home?
How likely are you to participate in community clean-up events to promote waste reduction and recycling?
Very likely
Very unlikely
What type of educational programs or resources would you find most helpful in improving waste management practices?
Select the top 5 initiative below you feel are most important to Lehigh County
Adding other types of recyclable materials to the existing drop-off locations
Establishing a permanent e-waste collection facility in the County
Establishing a permanent HHW collection facility in the County
Establishing semi-annual County-wide Spring Cleanup Events
Contracting for curbside collection of e-waste and/or HHW
Streamline recyclables collected curbside with all haulers in the County
Establishing food waste drop-off locations
Establishing curbside food waste collection programs
Development of County Ordinances that require waste haulers to provide education to residents
Development of a method for more comprehensive reporting of recyclables
Developing a public/private partnership for waste and recycling collection and infrastructure
Evaluating Pay-As-You-Throw systems (PAYT)
Hire enforcement officers for illegal dumping
Purchase surveillance cameras for drop-off sites and illegal dump sites
Develop a hotline for reporting illegal dumping
Develop a swap location in the County where residents can bring unwanted but not broken items for free, for others to take for free.
Develop a schoolteacher swap location where residents can bring school supplies for teachers to take for their classrooms for free
Select the top 5 education initiative below you feel are most important to Lehigh County
Expand current education through the use of social media
Develop PSAs to use on local TV, public access channels and local radio networks
Develop newspaper advertisements for recycling
Develop quarterly flyers to distribute to residents
Require and/or encourage haulers to provide education to residents
A more frequent County newsletter
Encourage the development of municipal newsletters
Develop a community calendar
Develop a Recycling Resource Guide
Update the County website
Encourage schools to develop a recycling program
Encourage schools to develop waste reduction and recycling/reuse competitions
Educate members of County staff, County Commissioners, Conservation District, Planning Departments, etc.
Develop a method to reach out to commercial businesses to discuss recycling
Develop education for residents on the negative side effects of burning waste/recyclables
Start a pledge program in the municipalities/County-wide for residents that encourages recycling
Develop a give-back program for residents that take part in the pledge program
Develop a recycling plan to target various sectors, such as schools, businesses, grocery stores, multi-family housing units, etc.
Encourage big event activities to recycle by recognizing how much of the event waste goes in the trash
Be a presence at local fairs, festivals, and big event activities
List any other initiatives that you feel are important regarding waste and recycling management and/or education.