Thank you for taking time to give us feedback about Energy Trust’s Insider newsletter. This survey should take about five minutes to complete. Your feedback will help us improve the readability of Insider emails and make the articles more valuable for trade allies.

Please reach out to Ashley Prentice at with any questions.

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* 1. First and Last Name:

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* 2. Company Name:

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* 3. Other than Insider, where do you typically look for news related to your work or field?

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* 4. How do you feel about the volume of monthly email communications you are receiving from Energy Trust?

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* 5. Every other month, trade allies receive separate Insider emails tailored for each program in which they participate. For which programs do you receive Insider? (select all that apply)

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* 6. How satisfied are you with the program and incentive updates provided in Insider?

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* 7. What types of content or changes would make Insider more valuable to you?

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* 8. Our recent trade ally survey showed that trade allies are most interested in program, incentive, and industry updates when reading Insider. What other topics or articles would you like to see in Insider?

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* 9. Please share any additional suggestions or feedback about Insider.