Submit your paper for Qt World Summit by May 20th, 2016!

Experts wanted: Call for papers is now closed. Check out the schedule of selected speakers and submit a Lightning Talk if you're joining #QtWS16! 

Qt World Summit 2016 will continue to build on this legacy while striving to create stronger ecosystem among our existing, converging and emerging communities. We are determined to render the exponential potential that arise when software systems, ideas, and techniques intertwine. 

To do this, we need your best work! Qt World Summit 2016 offers a variety of opportunities for you to present, network, and be an integral part of the conference. We are seeking submissions in the following categories:
  • Creating Connected Devices and Internet of Things
  • Things getting smaller
  • Next generation graphics approaches
  • The future of user interfaces and 3D
  • Software as a differentiator 
  • Industries being revolutionized by software: Automotive, Medical/Health, Consumer Electronics,  Industrial Automation, Aerospace/Defense and more 
  • Software solution for multi-platform development - desktop, mobile and embedded
For more information on the process, please read our cool guide!

Question Title

* 1. Please let us know you better...

Question Title

* 2. Please choose the right track for your Call for Papers submission

Question Title

* 3. Please choose a focus area of your Call for Papers submission

Question Title

* 4. Industry focus of your Call for Papers submission

Question Title

* 5. What best describes the industry focus of your talk?

Question Title

* 6. Name of your talk

Question Title

* 7. Write your abstract here (no more than 500 words)

Question Title

* 8. Write a short bio of yours (use "he", "she" or your name, not "I") - no more than 500 words