Workforce Development Providers and Services Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the District's workforce development providers and services. The provided data will be used to populate a Provider Directory, a searchable PDF document that will be posted on the Workforce Investment Council's website for use by the public.  If you have questions related to this survey, or related to the provider directory, please contact Joe Jaroscak at  Thank you for your input!

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* 1. What is the name of your organization?

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* 2. List your organization's:

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* 3. Please provide the following information for a point of contact for your organization:

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* 4. What category best describes your organization?

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* 5. What geographic location(s) do you serve in the District of Columbia?

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* 6. What geographic location(s) do you serve in Maryland?

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* 7. What geographic location(s) do you serve in Virginia?

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* 8. Select the top 5 services you currently provide to students, job seekers, or workers on a regular basis.

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* 9. If your organization provides job/technical skills training, do you have basic skill requirements?

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* 11. If you responded 'yes' to question 9, please list the recommended levels (0.00-12.99).

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* 12. Select the top 5 services you currently provide to businesses on a regular basis.

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* 13. Select the DC target industries you work with to place job seekers. 

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* 14. What are the top 5 adult populations you serve on a regular basis?

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* 15. What are the top 5 youth populations you serve on a regular basis?

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* 16. Please list the top 3 organizations with which you partner and collaborate beyond referrals.