Pupil Homework Questionnaire Part 2 Question Title * 1. Is your homework too easy? Very often Often Sometimes Never Question Title * 2. Is your homework too hard? Very often Often Sometimes Never Question Title * 3. Which of these statements best describes what you might usually say about doing a piece of homework? "I took time over it and thought about it." "I didn't do it." "I did more than I really needed to because it was interesting." "I did it quickly to get it out of the way." Don't know Question Title * 4. How much homework do you think should usually be set in a week? 2 hours or more 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours 1/2 hour to 1 hour 1/2 hour or less Question Title * 5. "I worry about my homework." Very often Often Sometimes Never Question Title * 6. If children fail to do homework then: Parents/carers should be told immediately. Parents/carers should be told if it happens over and over again. There should be no further action. Homework should be completed in playtimes/lunchtimes. Something else. (Please say what.) Please say what you think should happen. Question Title * 7. Which subjects do you like getting as homework? (Please indicate as many as apply.) Maths Writing Reading Spelling None of the above Something else (Please say what.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Does homework sometimes stop you doing other things you enjoy? e.g. playing, sports/clubs, TV Always Usually Sometimes Never Not sure Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Are there any activities missed due to homework? Playing with friends. Sports Clubs TV Family Playing Other Other (please specify) Done