Question Title

* 1. Generally, how do you like the new draft Pedestrian Network Guidance?

Question Title

* 2. Currently some topics of guidance are available. Which of the following guidance(s) have you used or referred to?

Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us about your experience using the guidance. What were you seeking and how did you go about finding it?

Question Title

* 4. Are you a regular user of the existing Waka Kotahi Pedestrian Planning and Design Guide?

Question Title

* 5. Thinking about the new draft Pedestrian Network Guidance, how would you rate it on:

  1 - Extremely poor 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Excellent
Ease of finding information
Look and feel
Quality of information provided
Usefulness of information provided

Question Title

* 6. What did you find good or useful about the Pedestrian Network Guidance? What can be improved?

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* 7. Do you have any suggestions on what pedestrian planning and design guidance you would like to see developed in the future?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any suggestions for a case study that generally demonstrates best practice planning and/or design for pedestrians?  If yes, please provide some detail below along with the contact details of who will be able to provide further detail.

Question Title

* 9. Thank you for completing this survey. 

Would you like to be notified when future topics are released on the Pedestrian Network Guidance website? If so, please provide your email address.