Dear Blood User,

indicate your degree of agreement/disagreement with the statements below.
Product Quality

Question Title

* 1. Products provided meet expectations.

Question Title

* 2. Labelling on products is clear and informative.

Question Title

* 3. Products rarely have visible clots, haemolysis or are leaking.

Product and Service Delivery

Question Title

* 4. Blood requests and examinations (tests) are ready within the agreed timeframe.

Question Title

* 5. Blood products are available when needed.

Question Title

* 6. Blood products are delivered when required.

Staff Professionalism and Communication

Question Title

* 7. Staff are courteous and friendly.

Question Title

* 8. Blood Bank staff are able to deal with queries.

Question Title

* 9. Medical and clinical support and advice is available.

Question Title

* 10. Staff communicate problem cases timeously.

Question Title

* 11. Other Comments:

Hospital and Blood Bank Name

Question Title

* 14. Please provide your contact details, if you require feedback to your comments.