Informed Consent

Dear Research Participant,

Your participation in a research project is requested. The title of the study is Victim to Victimizer: Using Trauma-Informed Understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Prevent Sexually Abusive Behavior in Adulthood. The research is being conducted by Dr. Melissa Grady, Associate Professor of Social Work at Catholic University, and, Dr. Jill Levenson, Professor of Social Work at Barry University. The project is funded by a RALIANCE grant from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. The aim of the study is to better understand how therapists and individuals who have committed sexual crimes view the role of childhood trauma in contributing to  sexual offending behaviors later in life. 

To help with this goal, you will be asked to complete a survey about your experiences in treatment for sex-offending, your thoughts about the role of trauma in sexual offending, some demographic and offense-related questions, and your own early experiences with trauma. If you decide to participate in this research, the survey will take about 20-30 minutes of your time. 

Your consent to be a research participant is strictly voluntary and you can decline to participate or choose to drop out at any time during the study, with no adverse effects.

There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this research. However, by taking part in this survey you will be contributing important knowledge for developing effective and ethical counseling services for people who have sexually offended and by doing so will help make society safer.

The risks of involvement in this study are minimal and include that you may find that some of the questions are sensitive in nature, or you might be concerned that some answers could incriminate you in some way. However, the survey is anonymous and confidential and your identity will not be known so there is no way to connect your answers to your identity in any way.

As a research participant, information you provide is anonymous, and no names or other identifiers will be collected. allows researchers to not include the delivery of IP addresses or browser information during the downloading of data, and in this study no IP address will be delivered to the researcher. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol developed for transmitting private documents or information via the Internet. SSL creates a secure connection between a client and a server, encrypting sensitive information being transmitted through the web page. However, if you have concerns about privacy you should review the privacy policy of before you begin.

The anonymous data will be stored securely and kept by the researcher for a minimum of five years after completion of the study.

By completing and submitting this electronic survey you are acknowledging that you are at least 18-years-old and that you voluntarily agree to participate in the study.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study or your participation in the study, you may contact Dr. Melissa Grady at 202-319-4387 or the Institutional Review Board point of contact at Catholic University, Ralph Albano, at 202-319-5218 or
6% of survey complete.