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We set out our thinking on CILEx Regulation’s Strategy for the next three years in our consultation at Please read it before responding.

We continue to focus on delivering forward-looking legal regulation while acknowledging the uncertain future due to CILEX’s announcement of its intention to redelegate regulation of CILEX members to the SRA.

CRL protects the interests of consumers and advances the core issues affecting the legal services sector such as harnessing the benefits of technology and AI, supporting better access to justice, enabling consumers to make informed choices and upholding the highest standards of professional and ethical behaviour of those we regulate.

We are determined to do this in close partnership with those we regulate, and collaboration with legal regulators, those representing consumers and other stakeholders. That is why we welcome your input into our next three-year Strategy.

The consultation ends at 5.00pm on 14 September 2024.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our consultation.