Serve DC's Spirit of Service Awards is an annual celebration designed to commemorate Serve DC’s rich legacy of connecting people to purpose through service. By celebrating those who seek to do good within our communities, the Awards will honor District residents, community-based organizations, and businesses that have displayed an outstanding commitment to service in the areas of: volunteerism, national service, philanthropy, and community resilience.

Spirit of Service Awards General Nomination Criteria
  • Nominees should
  • Be a resident, registered nonprofit, or licensed business in the District of Columbia; 
  • Demonstrate an outstanding commitment to service and/or volunteerism within the District of Columbia;  
  • Meet the specific criteria of each award;   
  • Influence and address a community need;  
  • Enhance the quality of life for District residents;  
  • Demonstrate exemplary acts of civic engagement, care, and kindness;  
  • Embrace community service and volunteerism as an ongoing commitment .
Award Categories

Mayor Muriel Bowser DC Hope Award 
  • A District resident that identified a need within their local community and demonstrated a commitment to creating solutions and inspiring hope and social impact across our city.
The Donor Difference Award  
  • An individual, group, or entity that has made a significant financial or in-kind contribution to the District of Columbia in support of one of our city's greatest challenges and priorities.
Ready, Set, Serve: Emergency Preparedness Award 
  • One youth and one adult or group which has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to ensuring District residents and communities are prepared to respond and recover from emergencies and disasters.
The Commission’s Award for National Service
  •  An AmeriCorps member or organization currently administering or serving with a National Service program that demonstrates exemplary commitment to volunteerism and community service.
The Community Impact  Award 
  • A community member and a community organization that has demonstrated outstanding commitment to providing access to critical services and resources to District residents, especially within vulnerable communities.
Public-Private Partnership:  Achievement in Collaboration Award
  • A private sector or philanthropic entity that has worked to create sustainable solutions to address the District’s most critical social challenges and priorities.
The Unsung Hometown Hero
  • An individual who volunteers in an informal capacity in their community, going above and beyond the call of duty but without formal recognition. This award particularly honors those who step up through service in times of emergency or crisis.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the name of the candidate you are nominating:

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* 2. What is this person's job title?

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* 3. What award are you submitting a nomination for?

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* 4. Please describe the reason you are nominating this person/organization for this specific award. Include detailed examples. (200 words or less)

We may contact you to follow up on this nomination, but your nomination will remain confidential. Please enter your contact information below.

Question Title

* 5. Which Ward are they in?

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* 6. Nominee's e-mail address

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* 7. Best Phone number to contact the nominee

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* 8. Is the nominee connected to a particular service organization

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* 9. Is this person/organization part of the DC government?

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* 10. Your name:

Question Title

* 11. Your e-mail address?

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* 12. Your phone number