Volunteer Feedback Survey Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We want to help answer questions and concerns. This survey is completely anonymous and will only be seen by the Board of Directors. We will likely post some questions and answers on the Volunteer page to help answer any questions or concerns that others may have as well. Question Title * 1. What volunteer work do you do, or have done with Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue? Question Title * 2. How do you feel this experience or other experiences may be improved? Question Title * 3. What questions do you have regarding how OSCATR operates? Please ask any you may have. Question Title * 4. Do you want to be more involved? In what way(s)? Question Title * 5. What concerns do you have? Question Title * 6. Overall, how satisfied were you with the volunteer experience at Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 7. What recommendations would you make? Question Title * 8. For further information or comments, please email us at oscatrbod@gmail.com Done