CTA Wellness Invitation for Community Input

Your experiences matter and will help inform how the fund evolves.

CTA Wellness is offering an Individual Therapy Fund which is being administered anonymously (identifying information will not be given to CTA Wellness or CTC). We are also considering the possibility of supporting other community sharing and healing opportunities.

We would appreciate your thoughts, feelings, and feedback. If you would prefer to be in correspondence directly or to sign up for updates please go to: 

Please Note: Some of these questions may be emotionally activating. Proceed as you feel comfortable. All answers are anonymous. This survey is 10 questions and should take 4-5 minutes to complete. You may skip any question you do not want to answer.

Thank you very much for your feedback. As we progress, we will be sending out more opportunities to give us input. 

CTA Wellness Board and Advisory Committee
1.How would you describe your experiences at CTC? (Check all that apply.)
2.If you have engaged in healing activities related to harms you experienced at CTC, can you describe which types have been most helpful? (Examples: EMDR, yoga, breathe work, trauma therapy, etc)
3.How likely are you to participate in Alumni Community Sharing Opportunities?

(We are thinking these would be professionally facilitated groups coming together for community conversation and/or healing work; both online and in-person. Our community is defined as former students and child artists and child technicians of CTC.)
4.How likely are you to seek access to the Individual Therapy Fund? (Knowing that there will be total anonymity for any individuals who access that resource, even from CTA Wellness Board and Advisory Committee Members).
5.In your own words, what do you think/feel would be most helpful to the CTC Alumni Community for creating individual and community wellness?
6.The following demographic questions will allow us to understand the contours of our community and attempt to make better choices around offerings.

What is your gender identity?
7.What is your racial or ethnic identity?
8.What is your sexual orientation?
9.Do you identify as transgender (or another non-cisgender identity)?
10.Are you a person living with a disability?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered