KCSD Strategic Planning

Development of New District's Strategic Plan

On behalf of the Kake City School District Board of Education, thank you for sharing your perspective on several topics critical to developing the District’s new Strategic Plan.  This survey is being administered by the Association of Alaska School Board’s Development team on behalf of our District and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Anonymous individual responses like yours will be combined with those items from other stakeholders to provide important community input to the Board of Education and the strategic planning team.  Please note that responses containing individuals' names or foul language will be deleted. 

The KCSD Board of Education sincerely appreciates your input.
1.Please select what you consider to be your primary role or include “other” if necessary
2.If money was NOT an issue, what should be done to make our District the ‘ideal district’ for ALL of our students in our community?  (Think as BIG as possible)
3.What should our District not be willing to compromise or give up as we move forward?
4.What are the top 3 things our District is doing that you would hate to see go away (what are our strengths)?
5.What are the top 3 things that our District is doing prevent us from becoming the best District in the state (what are our weaknesses)?
6.What current barriers exist that would make it difficult for the District to implement its new Strategic Plan once it is developed?
7.What are the top 3 issues facing our students today?
8.As a community what do you want to see our schools provide for our students?
9.What is the most important outcome that you would like to see emerging from this strategic planning process leading to the goals that the District still will focus on for the next 3-5 years?  
10.Any other comments or concerns you’d like the team to consider? 
11.Would you be willing to commit 1-2 days to be part of the District strategic planning process? Please contact Rich Catahay, superintendent@kakeschools.com, to confirm your attendance.  Thank you for your interest.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered