Mothers' Day 2020 And Updated Sentiment From COVID-19

Dear Jewelers,

The Centurion Newsletter is looking to gauge both Mothers' Day sales and jeweler sentiment during this pandemic. All answers will be kept confidential and results reported only in the aggregate.
Because some information may be sensitive, we understand if you would rather not give your name or store name, but we do ask that you please supply your state so that we can track trends by region.  
Thank you very much for your participation!

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* 1. Your name and store name (optional), state (please supply)

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* 2. Is your physical store back open for business?

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* 3. How were your Mothers' Day sales compared to last year?

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* 4. How were your Mothers' Day sales compared to what you expected for this year?

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* 5. How did you market and make most of your Mothers' Day sales? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Not counting Mothers' Day sales, how is your business overall since the last survey we did in April?

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* 7. Has anything changed in how you're keeping or paying your staff since last month?

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* 8. Compared to this time last month (April), how confident are you now that business will rebound as soon as this crisis is over?

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* 9. Compared to how you felt last month, how confident are you now about your own business's ability to survive this crisis?