Every day, you experience the challenges of working for a private provider trying to make a profit by cutting costs and reducing staffing levels while you're trying to maintain the highest levels of care.

The HSU wants to hear from members and non-members about your experiences and the challenges you face every day.

Take a few minutes to complete this short survey and have YOUR say. All responses will be kept confidential will not passed onto a third party without your consent.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Phone number

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* 4. Are you a HSU member?

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* 5. What is your classification?

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* 6. Department or ward?

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* 7. Please, tell us some of the challenges and experiences you face working for a private provider running a public hospital?

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* 8. Would you be willing to share you stories and experiences with the local community or members of parliament if given the opportunity?

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* 9. Would you support any state government now or in the future returning Northern Beaches Hospital to the Public Health system?