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* 1. Following the 2019-2020 bushfires, the Commonwealth Government announced a range of measures to assist affected small businesses. These include:

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* 2. Your client, Joe, has a small business on the NSW South Coast that was damaged by the bushfires. He has put in an insurance claim to replace damaged stock and equipment. The assessor has visited the premises but your client is getting frustrated.  Each time he calls the insurance company they say there is a backlog and they have declared a catastrophe. What is your advice for the best next step your client should take?:

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* 3. Your client, Nok, has a small business (as a sole trader) in South Australia making Thai jewellery. Her small shop was not damaged in the bushfires but it was a close call. The problem now is that Nok has so few customers that she believes she may need to permanently close her business. The only debt that is a problem is for her quarterly “Pay as you Go” tax instalments. What do you say to Nok?:

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* 4. May has a small business in a bushfire affected area in Victoria. Tragically, May’s husband, was killed in the bushfires. When May sees you, she is distraught. May has come to see you with her friend Lucy. Lucy tells you that May is not paying her home loan and explains that May cannot face making a call to the bank to explain. Lucy says that a friend recommended May see a financial counsellor. What do you do?:

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* 5. Your client is a sole trader, Jenny who runs a small business in rural Western Australia. Before the bushfires Jenny had a small overdraft facility of $10,000 with the bank. Jenny’s business was struggling and the bank had decided to demand payment of the overdraft in full. The bank had sent a default notice. Before Jenny could do anything about the overdraft problem, a bushfire ripped through her town. Jenny has spent the last few weeks helping to rebuild the town. Jenny is now in further financial difficulty as she stopped trading to help. She finally finds a moment to see you. What do you say?:

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* 6. You are contacted by Tim over the phone for advice. Tim runs a small business that is in serious financial difficulty due to the bushfires. He says it is probably now insolvent. He noticed an ad for a firm that will save his business by liquidating it and then starting a new business. He says it is a special deal from the Government for small business impacted by bushfires. What do you say?:

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* 7. Bud’s apple orchard in rural NSW burned down in the bushfires. Most of the apple trees cannot be saved. Bud is very upset. A man knocked on Bud’s door about a week after the bushfire offering to repair equipment on his farm for free and help him with his insurance claim. Bud was pretty impressed about all this free help until the man produced a contract for him to sign. What is going on here?:

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* 8. Your client, Sid, is a small business that has been severely affected by the bushfires. A lot of his shop is damaged. He was uninsured as he could never afford the premiums. He is devastated. He now has a business that is not trading and his debts are starting to mount. What are some good options for Sid to consider?:

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* 9. Gigi and Rob own a farm in rural NSW. Their house did not burn down but their water tanks and fences were destroyed by the bushfires. The insurer will not send an assessor and tells them to get 3 quotes and they will pay. Gigi and Rob find they can only get one quote and everyone else refused as they were too far away. The insurer has said they will wait till they get the other 3 quotes. Rob and Gigi need the fences and water tanks urgently. They see you and you say:

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* 10. A small business owner, Ti, comes to see you. He has lost all his business financial documents in the bushfires. He now does not know what to do. You say:

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