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Have your say on a new Enterprise Agreement...

Please tell us what changes you want in order to make the Manningham City Council Enterprise Agreement better and fairer for employees. 
Your Enterprise Agreement (EA) sets out all the terms and conditions of employment like your pay & classification, hours of work, work life balance and flexibility, job security, leave, union access, and allowances.

Once an EA is approved by the Fair Work Commission it is enforced and protected by law.  You can view your current terms and conditions here:


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* 1. What is your Gender?

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* 2. Employment Status?

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* 3. Are you aware of the use of Labour Hire / Agency Staff in your workplace?

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* 4. If yes;

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* 5. Are you on a 'fixed term contract'?

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* 6. Please complete the following:

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* 7. Contact Details:

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* 8. Do you think your pay adequately reflects your skills, qualifications and job requirements?

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* 9. Do you ever worry about your job security?

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* 10. Are you provided with adequate tools, plant equipment, IT and / or supervision / guidence to effectively carry out your role?

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* 11. Have you had any problems accessing leave or other employment conditions in the last 3 years?

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* 12. What does a fair pay increase look like to you?

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* 13. Please rate the following in order of importance to you:

  1. Wage Increase?
  2. Dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace?
  3. Improvingf communication and consultation with employees about change, job security / becoming a permanent Council employee?
  4. Recognition of employees at the end of their band via an end of band payment or recognition?
  5. Improving employer superannnuation contributions?
  6. Improving Equal Employment Opportunity?
  7. Preserving existing conditions and benefits?
  8. Improving family friendly entitlements?
  9. Limiting the use of Labour Hire / Agency Staff?
  10. Implementing fairer discipline and underperformance procedures?
  11. See improvements to Union access to the workplace, and delegates rights?

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* 14. List the most important issues for you in the workplace that you would like to see addressed in bargaining:

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* 15. Are there any specific clauses in the Enterprise Agreement that you want improved?

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* 16. Are you interested in becoming a union contact, delegate or helping out in the negotiations?

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* 17. If yes, please provide the best contact details (if not already provided).

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* 18. Which of the following activities are you prepared to undertake in order to assit the union to make your Council a better place to work?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey...
Authorised By: LISA DARMANIN • BRANCH SECRETARY • ASUVicTas 116 Queensberry St Carlton South VIC 3053
0 of 18 answered