Take this short quiz after watching the presentation in order to test your understanding of the material.

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* 1. Your Information:

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* 2. According to NIST, Building 7’s collapse was caused by:

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* 3. NIST ultimately admitted, after years of public questioning, that Building 7 came down almost instantly, and at free-fall acceleration for 100 feet of its descent.  This implies what?

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* 4. True or False? Most of the structural steel from the WTC collapses was preserved, documented, analyzed, per standard procedures for structural failures:

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* 5. True or False? After NIST claimed that they “found no evidence for explosives” at the WTC, they later, after repeated inquiries, acknowledged in writing that they never looked for it.

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* 6. The photo and video evidence shows that the fires in WTC 7 were:

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* 7. True or False:  Photos and videos reveal that the massive structural steel frame of each tower was almost completely shattered from top to bottom – into their individual column/beam components.

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* 8. Why were there hundreds of 4-ton structural steel sections landing up to 600 feet away from the Towers – impaled on the sides of surrounding high-rises?

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* 9. What does the evidence and science reveal to us about what might have caused the steel/iron to melt?

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* 10. What is the evidence that reveals the use of thermite at the WTC?

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* 11. The evidence revealing that the red-gray chips are nano-thermite is:

(This concludes the quiz. The following questions are optional.)

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* 12. Optional: Would you like to receive our occasional email news bulletins?

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* 13. Optional: Do you believe that a new investigation into the collapse of the three WTC high-rises is warranted?

100% of survey complete.