Northern California Rapid Immigration Response Network Survey

This survey was created by the Northern California Rapid Immigration Response Network, and is being coordinated and hosted by the Justice & Diversity Center of The Bar Association of San Francisco.

Results of this survey will be shared by members of the Northern California Rapid Immigration Response Network.

The network is undertaking this survey at this time to assess the volunteer resources and interest available for the development of a regional rapid response program. We have an initial plan for a rapid response network that will be refined based on the results to this survey. Responding to this survey does not obligate you to undertake any particular responsibility at this time. The results will allow us to develop the structure of the rapid response in light of the actual skills, capacity and needs of volunteers.

Visit our website for more information about our program and a complete description of volunteer roles.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Further information about the next steps for this program will be emailed to you in a few weeks once we have analyzed the information received.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Cell Phone Number

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* 4. Business Phone Number

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* 5. Organization/Affiliation (Indicate none if not applicable) 

Question Title

* 7. State in which you are licensed

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* 8. If licensed as an attorney, please provide State Bar number

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* 9. Are you a Fully Accredited BIA/DOJ Representative?

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* 10. If you are a Fully Accredited BIA/DOJ Rep. please list the organization through which you are accredited.

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* 11. PleaseSelect All Spoken Language(s)  (Other than English)  

Please only list language(s) you are at least orally proficient in, and could effectively use to communicate with a client to represent them in their case.

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* 12. Are you an Immigration Attorney?

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* 14. For Immigration Attorneys:

Within the last two years, have you represented immigrants in five in-custody removal proceedings that involved criminal issues where a final disposition was made by an immigration judge, and for which an application for relief was made (this does not include a request for voluntary departure) or a motion to terminate was filed and the case was handled to disposition, e.g. where there was a final order by the immigration judge (or an order by the IJ that was not a final order because it was subsequently appealed). No more than one of the five removal proceedings can be a contested bond hearing with a final disposition custody status.

Question Title

* 15. For Immigration Attorneys:

Please describe your removal defense experience, if any:

Below please find the various volunteer opportunities available. Please indicate which opportunity you are interested in, and answer the appropriate questions for that specific role. You do not need to fill out the information for roles that you are not interested in.

Question Title

* 16. Are you interested in volunteering as an  Emergency On-site Attorney?

If yes, which ICE offices could you go to:

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* 17. Are you interested in volunteering as an Emergency off-site Attorney:

If yes, what are you interested in:

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* 18. For experienced Immigration Attorneys: 

Are you interested in volunteering as an Immigration Mentor 

If yes please specify what types of cases would you be most comfortable mentoring?

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* 19. Are you interested in volunteering to provide  Intermediate Assistance

If yes, what are you interested in:

Question Title

* 20. Are you interested in providing Long-Term Representation?

If Yes, please specify the types of cases.