The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) is proud to offer year round innovative webcast programming that speaks to our mission of reducing morbidity, mortality and disability from cardiovascular and pulmonary disease through education, prevention, rehabilitation, research and disease management. AACVPR’s Education Committee is seeking presentations for the monthly education webinar series. For your reference a list of previously presented topics can be found here:
Submission Process and Guidelines:
Complete and submit this application. All 11 questions require an answer in order for your application to be submitted. Once you hit submit you cannot go back to the survey to make changes. You will not be able to retrieve a partially filled out application form from Survey Monkey. For questions or assistance, please email using the subject line "Webinar Call for Speakers."
Submissions are reviewed by the committee within 30 days of their receipt. You will be contacted by AACVPR Headquarters with a response to your submission within 30 days of your submission.
If your topic is selected, you will be expected to prepare the following for your presentation:
Complete the required webinar information packet, which allows AACVPR to provide contact hours according to accreditation guidelines.
PowerPoint presentation slides.
Five (5) multiple choice evaluation questions and answers.
The webinar information packet and presentation materials are required by the deadlines agreed upon by the presenter and Education Committee, otherwise the webinar may be subject to cancellation.
AACVPR Headquarters and Education Committee membership available to answer your questions and will be supportive throughout the process.
Webinars are generally presented Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday starting at 12:00 p.m. CT/1:00 p.m. ET, and may run approximately 60 minutes.
A honorarium of $200 is provided to all webinar presenters following the conclusion of their webinar.
Please note before you begin: you will be unable to save your submission and return later. Please submit the completed form or return at a later date if necessary. To begin your application, click the next button below.