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* 1. About You

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* 2. Please upload a current resume of no more than two pages.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 3. Please provide us with a short bio of no more than 3000 characters.

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* 4. Why are you interested in serving on the MANY Board?

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* 5. What expertise would you bring to the MANY Board and the organization?

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* 6. Prior or current board experience is not required to join the MANY Board, but please describe any experiences you may have had on any committees, boards, councils, etc. If not applicable, write N/A.

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* 7. How long you have served in your current role?

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* 8. Briefly describe your responsibilities in your current position (3000 characters or fewer)

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* 9. Describe a time when you advocated for Diversity Equity, Access, and Inclusion personally and/or in your career. Discuss the challenges you faced and how you successfully implemented change.

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* 10. What are two accomplishments you have achieved in your current role?

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* 11. Briefly describe your prior relationship (if any) with MANY (3000 characters or fewer)

MANY is looking for board members who represent the diversity of the people who call New York home. The following demographic questions are included to help MANY best represent the museum community of New York State.

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* 12. Please indicate your Gender

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* 13. Please indicate your gender pronouns.

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* 14. Please indicate your Race

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* 15. Do you identify as Hispanic/Latino(a)/x? 

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* 16. Identity

We recognize that the previous race and gender categories may not truly reflect your multiple identities. If you would like, please use the space provided below to write a brief description of how you identify. For example: “ I am half-Trinidadian, Half-Irish and non-gender conforming. I was born in Canada but have lived in the United States since I was a kid.” Or “ I am a male Nigerian-American.”

These questions are for information purposes. Your answers will not count for or against your candidacy, we will coach you in the use of these tools as part of your onboarding if your application is successful.

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* 17. MANY uses Google Workspace. To help us understand your familiarity with the platform, please let us know if you consider yourself technologically adept at:
(check all that apply)

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* 18. MANY uses Zoom. To help us understand your familiarity with the platform, please let us know if you consider yourself technologically adept at: 
(check all that apply)

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* 19. MANY uses Adobe Acrobat. To help us understand your familiarity with the platform, please let us know if you consider yourself technologically adept at:
(check all that apply) 

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* 20. Please use the space below to let us know about any other technology skills that you use as part of your daily work:



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* 21. By clicking the box below, I acknowledge that I have informed these colleagues that they are listed as a reference for my application to serve on MANY's Board of Directors.

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* 22. Reference One

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* 23. Reference Two

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* 24. By checking the box below I certify that I have read and I understand the MANY Board Roles and Responsibilities document.

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* 25. By checking the box below I certify that I have discussed this application and commitments to serving on the MANY Board of Directors and received approval from my immediate Supervisor or Board President/Chair to apply to and serve on the MANY Board of Directors if my application is accepted.

Thank you for your interest in serving New York’s Museum field by applying to be a member of MANY’s Board of Directors. You will hear from a member of the Governance/Nominating committee as we move through the review process. If you have any questions about the process or application, please email Nick Martinez, MANY Vice President and Governance Committee Chair.
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