We believe it is important to get your input on the quality of the services you received. Please tell us how we did so that we can serve you and others better in the future. Please answer all questions on this survey.
COUNSELING AGENCY:   H.E.L.P. Community Development Corp.

Question Title


Question Title

* Date of Service or First Appointment


Question Title

* Today's Date

Counseling Services Received
Please indicate the counseling or education service you received.

Question Title

* If you want further counseling, will you go back to the same agency?

Quality of Services Received
Please rate the quality of the services provided from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent).
If a question is not applicable or you do not wish to respond to that question, check the box NA.

Question Title

* Did we provide clear instructions?

Question Title

* How well did the Housing Advisor explain the counseling process, the available programs, and potential impacts at the outset?

Question Title

* How well did the Housing Advisor communicate the analysis of your financial situation?

Question Title

* How would you rate the knowledge and expertise of the Housing Advisor?

Question Title

* How well did the Housing Advisor listen to your needs and seek to understand your situation?

Question Title

* How would you rate the Housing Advisor's professionalism, courtesy, and responsiveness?

Question Title

* How would you rate the information on available housing resources provided to you during the session(s)?

Question Title

* How well did the counseling meet the specific needs that you came in with?

Question Title

* How would you rate the budget or other action plan that was developed during the session(s)? (Please rate as “1” if no budget or plan was developed.)

Question Title

* How would you rate the overall quality of the housing counseling process and services received?