The City & Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is looking for community input regarding the proposed project to design and construct the infrastructure required to provide renewable electrical power to the two CBJ-owned cruise ship docks via the short survey below.

Provide your name and contact email at the end of the survey to be entered to win a $50 gift card to the Breeze In.

More information about the project is available on the Docks & Harbors website (click here).

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* 1. Please select the area of town in which you currently live:

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* 2. Please select the area of town where you work:

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* 3. Please select the option that best describes your understanding of the purpose and need for dock electrification or "shore power" at Juneau's public cruise ship docks.

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* 4. Do you support the electrification of Juneau's public cruise ship docks?

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* 5. Do you agree with the following statement: "Dock electrification in Juneau will improve quality of life for me and/or those close to me."

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* 6. What do you see is the greatest benefit of dock electrification at Juneau's public cruise ship docks? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. Please share any comments, questions or concerns you have about Dock Electrification in Juneau.

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* 8. Optional: Please share your contact information below to be entered to win a $50 gift card to the Breeze In. Your responses will be confidential.