1.Which is shorter, a resume or a CV?
2.When do you usually use a CV?
3.These are the uses of a resume or a CV, except:
4.What should you do if you don’t have any job experience?
5.Where does the word resume come from and what does it mean??
6.What do you add to your resume or CV if you don’t have any noticeable awards?
7.How many pages does a resume usually consist of?
8.Which of these things should you include in a resume?
9.All of these things should be part of a resume, except:
10.What does the phrase “Curriculum Vitae” in CV mean?
11.How many pages does a resume usually consist of?
12.These things should be mentioned in a CV, except:
13.These things should be mentioned in a CV, except:
14.When making a resume or CV, what type of information should be added?
15.Generally, the main differences of a resume and a CV are: