The City of Missouri City is in the process of identifying a vision for future development and redevelopment of land along key focus areas (roadway segments) throughout the City. Your input in this process is valuable to update the City’s Comprehensive Plan in the future. The Comprehensive Plan is a document designed to outline a long-term vision for the development of a community. It provides a roadmap for public and private land development, cultural and recreational amenities, parks and open space, economic development, public spending, tax policy, and rehabilitation of older neighborhoods.
The survey may take approximately 15 minutes to complete. For more information on this initiative, please visit the project website at
Please submit this questionnaire for a chance to win a prize!

Question Title

* 1. How long have you lived in Missouri City?

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Where do you live?

Question Title

* 4. Where do you work?

Question Title

* 5. What is your average household income?

Question Title

* 6. What do you enjoy the most about living or working in Missouri City? (List up to 3)

Question Title

* 7. What are your most pressing concerns about living or working in Missouri City? (List up to 3)

Question Title

* 8. Please rate how important the following factors are to making Missouri City a great place to live, work, and play. For each item, check the box that matches how you feel.

  Very important Important Moderately Important Slightly important Not important
A city with town centers, plaza, and places to gather
A city with lots of dining, stores, hotels, and medical services
More job opportunities in the City
A city mostly with homes and neighborhoods
A city with different types of housing like apartments, single-family homes, townhomes, and senior living
A city with local businesses and services that fit well with the neighborhoods
A city with practices to save the environment and protect nature
A city with high quality development Development standards that will make the city look and feel unique

Question Title

* 9. Please rate important these amenities are to live, work, and play in Missouri City. For each amenity, check the box that matches how you feel.

  Very important Important Moderately important Slightly important Not important
Buffets/food halls
Corporate or medical offices
Fine dining restaurants
Food trucks
High-end retail stores
Medium-sized entertainment venues (Seating up to 1,000)
Nightlife activities (i.e. – bars, restaurants, venues open past 9:00 pm)
Small scale entertainment venues (Seating less than 500)
Youth / amateur sports venues

Question Title

* 10. Please rate how important these types of homes are for people of all ages to live in Missouri City. For each type, check the box that matches how you feel.

  Very important Important Moderately important Slightly important Not important
Rural & Large Estate Single Family Residential (Min. One Acre)
Traditional single family residential (Min. 5000 Square Foot Lot)
Active senior living/retirement community
Affordable homes (for families earning $58K to $116K a year)

Question Title

* 11. Please rate how important these businesses or services are to have within or adjacent to your neighborhood. For each type, check the box that matches how you feel.

  Very important Important Moderately important Slightly important Not important
Auto mechanic shop
Beauty salon (including hair and barbershop, nail salon)
Boutique retail shop
Micro-brewery / bar
Coffee shop / bakery / dessert parlor
Gasoline station
Gourmet / natural / specialty grocery store
Pet groomer / supplies / veterinary care
Spirit / wine shop
Vape store / Hookah bar
Childcare/day care
Others such as dry cleaner, postal service, pharmacy etc.

Question Title

* 12. To help the city grow and improve, check the options you think are important. Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 13. Vision for the future of the City. What do you think would make Missouri City the best place to live, work, play, and do business in the next 10 years?

Question Title

* 14. Several key roadway segments have been a focus for development within the last several years. How often do you travel along these roads? You may refer to the map for roadway boundaries. Please check the relevant box.

  Daily Several times a week Few times a month Few times a year Never
Fondren Rd.
Gessner Rd.
Texas Parkway
Fifth Street / Independence Blvd.
FM 1092
Cartwright Rd.
Fort Bend Parkway
Trammel Fresno Rd.
Highway 6
Knight Rd. / Watts Plantation

Question Title

* 15. How important is it to have amenities (fine dining, high end/luxury retail, offices) on these roads? You may refer to the map for roadway boundaries. Please check the relevant box.

  Very important Important Moderately important Slightly important Not important
Fondren Rd.
Gessner Rd.
Texas Parkway
Fifth Street / Independence Blvd.
FM 1092
Cartwright Rd.
Fort Bend Parkway
Trammel Fresno Rd.
Highway 6
Knight Rd. / Watts Plantation

Question Title

* 16. Would you like to see any of these types of homes or places on these roads? You may refer to the map for roadway boundaries. Check all that apply.

  Single family Multi-family apartments Townhomes Active senior living/ retirement community Combined residential and commercial work space
Fondren Rd.
Gessner Rd.
Texas Parkway
Fifth Street / Independence Blvd.
FM 1092
Cartwright Rd.
Fort Bend Parkway
Trammel Fresno Rd.
Highway 6
Knight Rd. / Watts Plantation

Question Title

* 17. What improvements would you like to see on these roads? You may refer to the map for roadway boundaries. Check all that apply.

  Wider landscaped areas along the streets Road widening Landscape buffers/ masonry fencing between residential and non-residential Bike/ pedestrian paths Drainage improvements Decorative lighting, signage, pavers, entryways, landscaped medians etc.
Fondren Rd.
Gessner Rd.
Texas Parkway
Fifth Street / Independence Blvd.
FM 1092
Cartwright Rd.
Fort Bend Parkway
Trammel Fresno Rd.
Highway 6
Knight Rd. / Watts Plantation

Question Title

* 18. Additional Input. Please provide below any further comments on priorities, concerns, key corridors, or other development related items that are important to you.

Question Title

* 19. Provide your name and contact information if you would like to participate in a prize draw.